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(function($) {

Attached to page via Drupal behaviors, for reasons of both perperness and so we can use Drupal JS setings.

  Drupal.behaviors.backboneServices = {
    attach: function() {

Drupal.Backbone.Models for Services

Drupal-specific models for apps using a Services module backend. The main difference here is the use of a longer endpoint name and the need to nest the attribute's JSON values inside an object with a key of the object type (for all but users).


Node-specific settings for Drupal Services' node resource.

      Drupal.Backbone.Models.Node = Drupal.Backbone.Models.Base.extend({
        urlRoot: "/node",
        idAttribute: "nid",

Override toJSON function to nest all attributes in a { node: ... } key to make this work with the Services module implementation of node PUSH/PUT.

        toJSON: function() {
          var data = {
            node: _.clone(this.attributes)
          return data;


Model for users.

  • TODO: Add support for login and logout methods.
      Drupal.Backbone.Models.User = Drupal.Backbone.Models.Base.extend({
        urlRoot: "/user",
        idAttribute: "uid"

      Drupal.Backbone.Models.Comment = Drupal.Backbone.Models.Base.extend({
        urlRoot: "/comment",
        idAttribute: "cid",

Override toJSON function to nest all attributes in a { comment: ... } key to make this work with the Services module implementation of comment PUSH/PUT.

        toJSON: function() {
          var data = {
            comment: _.clone(this.attributes)
          return data;

      Drupal.Backbone.Models.File = Drupal.Backbone.Models.Base.extend({
        urlRoot: "/file",
        idAttribute: "fid",

Override toJSON function to nest all attributes in a { file: ... } key to make this work with the Services module implementation of file PUSH/PUT.

        toJSON: function() {
          var data = {
            file: _.clone(this.attributes)
          return data;

Legacy objects. NOTE: These object references are deprecated and could go away!

      Drupal.Backbone.NodeModel = Drupal.Backbone.Models.Node;
      Drupal.Backbone.UserModel = Drupal.Backbone.Models.User;
      Drupal.Backbone.CommentModel = Drupal.Backbone.Models.Comment;
      Drupal.Backbone.FileModel = Drupal.Backbone.Models.File;

Drupal Backbone Collections

Specific collections for Drupal listing types.


Create collection for Node resource's index interface.

      Drupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeIndex = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.Base.extend({
        model: Drupal.Backbone.NodeModel,
        url: function() {
          return this.restEndpoint + "/node.json";


Create collection for Views resource's index interface. Note that this is just for views that use the "Content" display for their nodes. Field views will need to be handled differently.

May be worth considering if field views are really appropriate for backbone, since it deals with collections of model objects, and field views do not fit that mode.

  • TODO allow view name at initialization or fetch.
  • TODO create basic view collection, subclass node and field views.
      Drupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeView = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.Base.extend({
        model: Drupal.Backbone.NodeModel,

Name of Drupal view for this collection.

        viewName: null,
        url: function() {
          return this.restEndpoint + "/views/" + this.viewName + ".json";


Create collection for User resource's index interface.

      Drupal.Backbone.Collections.UserIndex = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.Base.extend({
        model: Drupal.Backbone.Models.User,
        url: function() {
          return this.restEndpoint + "/user.json";


Create collection of all comments on a given node.

      Drupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeComments = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.Base.extend({
        model: Drupal.Backbone.UserModel,
        url: function() {
          return this.restEndpoint + "/user.json";

Legacy objects. NOTE: These object references are deprecated and could go away!

      Drupal.Backbone.NodeIndexCollection = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeIndex;
      Drupal.Backbone.NodeViewCollection = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeView;
      Drupal.Backbone.UserIndexCollection = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.UserIndex;
      Drupal.Backbone.NodeCommentsCollection = Drupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeComments;
