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(function($) {
   * # Test the DrupalBackbone library.
  Drupal.tests.backbone = {
    getInfo: function() {
      return {
        name: 'Backbone',
        description: 'Tests the DrupalBackbone library for node loading, etc.',
        group: 'Backbone'
    test: function() {

Expect assertions contained in async calls.

      var self = this;

Stop the test runner, we will restart when all of our async tests have completed. TODO: Look into adding an asyncTest interface for Drupal QUnit.


Test Infrastructure Setup

Create Queue

Create a jQuery queue to make nested asyn easier. (Otherwise these would need to be nested within eachother). TODO: Look into $.deffered for handling this more robustly.

      var asyncQueue = $({});

dequeueFuncs function

A factory function that uses closures to produce success and error callbacks for our Ajaj tests.

      var dequeueFuncs = function(msg) {
        return {
          success: function() {
            ok(true, Drupal.t(msg));
          error: function() {
            ok(false, Drupal.t(msg));

After erroring out, don't continue with tests. TODO: determine how to clean up if we've created but not destroyed our test node.


Restart QUnit tests, continue on to next test.


Drupal.Backbone.NodeModel Tests

NodeModel Test Setup

Create a node object to use in our testing.

      self.testNode = new Drupal.Backbone.NodeModel({
        'title': 'Backbone Test Node',
        'type': 'page'

Test Node Create

We use a queue to manage asynchronous processes, so each stage in the CRUD runs after the prior callback has completed.

  • TODO Load that node and confirm create worked.
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testNode.save( {}, dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Create Node'));

Test Node Update

  • TODO Load node and test the update actually worked.
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testNode.set('title', 'Updated Title');
        self.testNode.save( {}, dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Update Node'));

Test Drupal.Backbone.Collection and children.

Test Node Index

Since we have a node created.

      self.testNodeIndexCollection = new Drupal.Backbone.NodeIndexCollection();
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testNodeIndexCollection.setParam('pagesize', 1);
        self.testNodeIndexCollection.fetch(dequeueFuncs('Fetch Node Index collection'));

Verify returned Node Index collection

  • TODO test offset/page number.
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(self.testNodeIndexCollection.length, 1, Drupal.t('Node Index fetch returned one node.'));
        equals(self.testNodeIndexCollection.at(0).get('title'), 'Updated Title', Drupal.t('Top node in Node Index is correct one.'));

Test pagesize=0, should always be empty.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testNodeIndexCollection.setParam('pagesize', 0);
        self.testNodeIndexCollection.fetch(dequeueFuncs('Fetch empty Node Index collection'));
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(self.testNodeIndexCollection.length, 0, Drupal.t('Node Index page size setting worked correctly, no nodes returned.'));

Test Views collection

This is different from Backbone.View! We test collections holding node views since we have a node created.

      var viewCollection = new Drupal.Backbone.NodeViewCollection();
      viewCollection.viewName = 'backbone_test';
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        viewCollection.setParam('limit', 1);
        viewCollection.fetch(dequeueFuncs('Fetch View collection'));

Test returned collection.

TODO test offset/page number.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(viewCollection.length, 1, Drupal.t('View fetch returned one node.'));
        equals(viewCollection.at(0).get('title'), 'Updated Title',
          Drupal.t('Top node in View is correct one.'));

Drupal.Backbone.View tests

Test View Render

Test rendering a simple node view (Backbone.View, not Drupal views view).

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        var TestView = Drupal.Backbone.View.extend({
          model: self.testNode,
          templateSelector: '#qunit-test-template',
          id: 'qunit-test-view-content'
        $('body').append('<script id="qunit-test-template" type="text/underscore-template"><h2><%= node.title %></h2></script>');
        var view = new TestView();
        equals($('#qunit-test-view-content > h2').text(), self.testNode.get('title'),
          Drupal.t('Drupal.Backbone.View test template rendered successfully.'));

CommentModel Test

Set up CommentModel Test Objects

      self.testComment = new Drupal.Backbone.CommentModel({
        "subject": "Backbone QUnit Test Comment",
        "comment_body": {
          "und": [
              value: "This is a test comment created by the Backbone module's QUnit tests."
        uid: 1
      self.testCommentB = new Drupal.Backbone.CommentModel();

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testComment.set('nid', self.testNode.get('nid'));
        self.testComment.save({}, dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Comment CREATE'));

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testCommentB.set('cid', self.testComment.get('cid'));
        self.testCommentB.fetch(dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Comment READ'));

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(self.testComment.get('subject'), self.testCommentB.get('subject'),
          Drupal.t('Confirmed that comment title saved and fetched correctly.'));
        self.testComment.set('subject', "UPDATED Backbone QUnit Test Comment");
        self.testComment.save({}, dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Comment UPDATE'));

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testCommentB.fetch().success(function() {
        }).error(function() {
          ok(false, Drupal.t('Error loading updated comment, unexpected. Something is wrong.'));

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(self.testComment.get('subject'), self.testCommentB.get('subject'),
          Drupal.t('Confirmed that comment title updated and fetched correctly.'));
        self.testComment.destroy(dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Comment DELETE'));

      asyncQueue.queue('asynceQueue', function() {
        self.testCommentB.fetch().success(function() {
          ok(false, Drupal.t('Comment DELETE did not actually delete comment, able to load post-destroy.'));
        }).error(function() {
          ok(true, Drupal.t('Confirmed that DELETE did in fact destroy object on server. Unable to load after destroy.'));

Node (cont).

Test Node delete.

  • TODO Attempt to load node again (should fail)
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testNode.destroy(dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Destroy Node'));

Test the User resource

Set up test objects. Generate a uniq string so we don't have to worry about dups.

      var uniq = new Date().getTime().toString(36);
      var testUserValues = {
        "name": "backbone_test_user_" + uniq ,
        "pass": "backbone",
        "mail": "drupal-backbone-test@fakedomain-" + uniq + ".com"
      self.testUser = new Drupal.Backbone.Models.User(testUserValues);
      var testLoadUser = new Drupal.Backbone.Models.User();
      var testUserIndexCollection = new Drupal.Backbone.UserIndexCollection();

Test User creation.

Create a new user.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testUser.save({}, dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Create User'));

Test User retrieval.

Fetch our new user using another user object.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        testLoadUser.set('uid', self.testUser.get('uid'));
        testLoadUser.fetch(dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Retrieve User'));

Confirm User READ.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(testLoadUser.get('name'), testUserValues.name, 'User name saved and retrieved correctly.');

User Collections Tests

Test UserIndexCollection

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        testUserIndexCollection.setParam('pagesize', 1);
        testUserIndexCollection.fetch(dequeueFuncs('Fetch User Index collection'));

Verify returned User Index collection

  • TODO test offset/page number.
      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        equals(testUserIndexCollection.length, 1, Drupal.t('User Index fetch returned one user.'));
        equals(testUserIndexCollection.at(0).get('name'), testUserValues.name, Drupal.t('Top user in User Index is correct one.'));

UserModel (cont.)

Test User DELETE

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testUser.destroy(dequeueFuncs('Drupal CRUD REST call: Delete User'));

Check User DELETE

Verify that our user was deleted in the server.

Note that we're using the new jQuery deferreds approach to this, because it's easier to write. This introduces a dependency on the jqueryupdate module, but if you're developing a Backbone app, you should probably be using jqueryupdate anyhow.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {
        self.testUser.fetch().success(function(model, res) {
          ok(false, Drupal.t('User not deleted properly. Post-delete fetch was successful when should not be.'));
        }).error(function() {
          ok(true, Drupal.t('User deleted in database. Could not retrieve after destroy.'));

End test.

Last queue item: wrap up this test by restarting QUnit's asynchronous testing.

      asyncQueue.queue('asyncQueue', function() {

Run the queued operaitons: Go!


Teardown function

Delete all objects created on the server again, just in case we have some left over fixtures do to failed tests short circuiting the tests.

    teardown: function() {
      if (this.testNode) { this.testNode.destroy(); }
      if (this.testUser) { this.testUser.destroy(); }
      if (this.testComment) { this.testComment.destroy(); }